Felt art hiking trail in Austria & flag felting online session

How apparent coincidences gave birth to the “Flag Felt Together” project

In his great book "The creative act" Rick Rubin points advises artists to have their antenna up to become "aware of apparent coincidences appearing more often than randomness allows—almost as if there is another hand guiding yours in a certain direction.” I totally agree! The more I trust the flow of serendipity in my art and life, the more I feel as if there is a kind of evidence how things are meant to happen. And by accepting this, everything comes together smoothly and harmoniously.

One of these serendipity coincidences occurred recently.

Early March I accepted Henny van Tussenbroek’s invitation to volunteer for the role as IFA's (international feltmakers association) international officer(IO). In the same moment a student in my "Mixed Media 4 in 1 art vest class" –Michi Kunzfeld - told me about her beautiful project: a felt art hiking trail in Austria. She also stated her difficulties to get feltmakers involved to participate. It's an awesome project (read more on the official homepage)! Supported  by her hometown  municipality, Michi has the opportunity to transform an existing hiking trail into an open air felt art gallery.

The work of 20 artists or group of artists will be showcased, allowing to spotlight their work in particular but also felt making in general as well as the beautiful resource wool is.

Interview with Nadia Rein about the Flag Felt Together event, supported by IFA (interational feltmakers association.

Felted flags all along the hiking trail

And  that's not all! Along the hiking trail Michi plans to install a line of flags made by felt maker from all over the world.  What a brilliant way to connect everyone working with handmade felt! This project is so much aligned with what I had in mind as the IO – that of course I immediate promised my support.  

I instantly  wanted to offer a "Flag Felt Together" live online session. And here we are: your are heartily invited to connect with Michi and me on Monday, 1O June 2024!

Live online felting event : Sign up for one of the 100 spots available.

If you know how to felt in whatever technique you are welcome to participate!

The "Flag Fet Together" is not a workshop BUT a connected felting event.
After an introduction by Michi and me, you have the opportunity to ask questions about the project. Participants will then be split in several small groups allowing to exchange and make connections while working each one on their own, unique flag. At the end we'll meet all together again, showing the flags made, finished or in progress.

The flags should then be send to Michi who will align our work and transform our virtual connection into a real installation.

Hope you are as enthusiast about this project as I am and will join us

Monday, June 10 2024

at 6:30 pm CET (Paris time)


Please only sign up, if you are sure to participate.

No recording of this event will be available. If you aren't sure to make it, please don't sign up. Otherwise please leave the spot to another person. Due to ZOOM account restrictions only 100 spots are available.

Looking forward to connect creatively with you!


Ariane Mariane