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Sculptural Hats - Online Workshop April 2021 - Europe & America (Paris evening class)


4 days Masterclass to create a unique sculptural felt hat & boost your creativity

Level: Advanced

Free your ideas and make you own prefect fitting unique headpieces!

The skills taught during this class, will enable you to make hats like the ones shown in the slideshow below but foremost all they will free your creativity ! I share my base hat form and show you how to transform it. Instead of coping a given hat you will learn how to create new shapes and designs corresponding in a fun and playful way.

Day 1: 5h00 PM to 8h00 PM
Day 2: 5h00 PM to 7:00 PM
Day 3 : 5h00 PM to 6:30 PM
Day 4: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Paris time! Calculate the time in your location with this handy time converter.

PRIZE : 290 €

Buy a ticket

What you will learn :

  • the secrets & particularity of my sculptural hats (self lining)

  • making a sculptural template with extensions

  • my technique to make a seamless hollow form in high quality

  • embellishing the surface through funky design elements (fiber painting, relief and nuno felting techniques …)

  • adding cords, crests, ruffles …

  • free form shaping: pleats, spirals, snail forms…

  • high quality sculptural felt

How this class is organized

The lessons are hold live online in my private Zoom classroom and completed with handouts. All lessons will be recorded* and are accessible to the participants for at least 1 year on a private website. The recording allows you to review the class as many time as whished.

*Important: by signing in to this class you agree to be recorded! if you don’t agree, please contact me beforehand!

Why direct teaching instead of a recording only?

My teaching is similar to my creating: organic and process driven. I love the interactivity of sharing knowledge. There is a giving and taking and therefor it’s essential to me to feel the presence of the persons I teach. Your work made during the class, your questions & suggestions are part of the process! For the best experience, I keep the classes small. Only up to 7 persons are accepted in each hat class., allowing me to guide each of you in your very unique way of learning & creating.

As in my art, not two classes are the same. You get a unique experience!

The most valuable argument for me for live online classes: Until now 99% of my online students finished their art work.

May be it’s different for you but personally, when I buy a recorded lesson, I nearly never finish the project. Not because I’m not inspired or I don’t want to, but because as I have free access to the teaching when ever I wish and for the years to come! Being a busy person, l start the lesson and then I get absorbed in daily routine, push the task along until I forget about it! It may seem constraining to have to attempt a class on a certain time but if you comapre it to a “face to face” event, it’s pretty less time consuming! You don’t have to travel and you can organize the “exercise time” in function of your needs and possibilities.

Live online teaching = a (perfect ;)) mix of a “face-to-face” and recorded workshop.

I have always been a bit frustrated in 3 or 4 days event of not being able to follow students for a longer laps of time! Therefore I joyfully embrasse the possibility in online teaching that we can come together easily! In addition to the 4 meetings organized beforehand, we will schedule another meeting on the last day of our official class. In function your calendar and wishes, it can be just 2 or 3 days later or later. You will have time to play with the new learned techniques and make your hat in your rythme. This “showtime” meeting allows you to presnet your creation, get feedback from me asw well as your classmates and ask any question that may have appreared during the process.

The Step by step 4 days program:

This is how my hat making class is organized:

Day 1 (~3h) :

Making a mini (or egg) hat to see the whole process

During this first meeting you are invited o work live with me if you like. The mini hat allows me to introduce you to all steps involved and talk about my general felting techniques.

If you d’ont like to work live online, you are welcome to just watch, take notes and ask questions. In all other lessons the work will be explained with step by step videos . You wil get instructions how to proceed from day to day to make your “real size” hat.

First day mini hat samplers can be used as stylish egg warmers!

First day mini hat samplers can be used as stylish egg warmers!

Day 2 (~1h30) template construction

  • my method of constructing a perfect sitting hat

  • how to take the right measurements

  • how to make an original pattern with a unique shape

  • how to start the layout

Day 3 (~1h30): Composition & Surface design

You will see me working on a unique hat design. I will demonstrate my process of composition and share my favorite surface design techniques.

Day 4 (~1h): Sculpturing

In the last lesson I demonstrate the forming and sculpturing of the felted hat.

Day D -> Show time- An extra meeting to tell and show


WHAT YOU NEED TO Take part in this class:

Most important: a good internet connection & a devise with camera and microphone.

You can follow the workshop on a telephone but it’s easier if you have a laptop or tablette.

At least basic felting skills are highly recommended to be able to follow this class!

For beginners I recommend taking my vessel or hollow form critter class first.


  • wool top (or combed wool) in 1-2 main colors

  • optional: scrapes of thin fabrics for nunofelting

  • bubble plastic

  • polyethylene foam (bubble wrap can be alternatively used)

  •  water

  • a sprinkler bottle

  • towels

  • cotton or rubber bands

  • duck tape

  • scissors

  • optional: all kind of felting tools you are used to (soap, sticks…)