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Private Mixed Media Textile Art workshop for Kathryne B. & friends (Copy)

Special Mixed media Textile art class for Kathryne B & friends

Special groupes like this are organized on demand. The idea is : you come as a groupe of friends to my online class and enjoy meeting each other. In the same time groups benefice of a -10% discount on the regular workshop price.
To take advantage you need to be minimum 6, maximum 8 participants. For more infos please feel welcome to contact-us!

Workshop goals

The aim of this 6 days online class, dispatched over 6 weeks, is to experiment freely with different techniques on (silk) fabrics and with felt. The techniques taught are those I employ in all my art work from tableaux to sculptures, to brooches to art vests…

This is less about a special item about the creative process. I teach my holistic and process driven way of creating and share techniques which allowed me to enhance the felted surface.

By the end of the workshop you will have a multitude of samples, maybe some are ready to be used as brooches, cowls or tableaux, others may just be of inspirational use. 

Techniques taught and experimented:

  • Coloring and mark making on paper, silk and felt

  • Dyeing & painting

  • textile collages

  • Introduction to digital drawing

  • Stencil making

  • Free motion embroidery

  • Transfer techniques

  • Composing, creating and crafting of tableaux, brooches, cowls…

  • Enhancing the surface of felt and recycling felted pieces

How this class is organized

The class is hold live on the meeting app Zoom and completed with handouts. All lessons will be recorded* and are accessible to the participants for at least 1 year on a private website. The recording allows you to review the class as many time as whished.

*Important: by signing in to this class you agree to be recorded! if you don’t agree, please contact me beforehand!


Most important: a good internet connection & a devise with camera and microphone.

You can follow the workshop on a telephone but it’s easier if you have a laptop or tablette.

The class will be hold live on the meeting app Zoom and completed with handouts. All lessons will be recorded* and send to the students for their personal use after the class.

*Important: when signing in to this class you have to agree to the recording.

Needed tools and supplies

To take ful advantage of this class I highly recommend a sewing machine that can be used for free motion stitching (or darning). A lot of my techniques are based on this fun and in my eyes complementairy technique.

Need help to find out if your machine is adapted or want advises for buying one? Please check my blog post about “Which is the best machine for free motion stitching?”

There is a lot of material involved in this class and if you buy everything, material cost may raise up to 200 euros. Still I give a lot of options and you don’t need everything to enjoy the journey and learn and evolve.

A detailed material list will be send to the participants several weeks before the beginning of the workshop starts.

Why direct teaching instead of a recording only?

My teaching is similar to my creating: organic and process driven. I love the interactivity of sharing knowledge. There is a giving and taking and therefor it’s essential to me to feel the presence of the persons I teach! Trials of recording my lessons failed. When I I don’t know to whom I address my teaching I’m not inspired.

As in my art, not two classes are the same. You get a unique experience!

Any questions? Please feel welcome to message me!